Welcome to my eponymous web page. As technology has evolved, I don’t really live here. I do live on in other corners of the internet. And in the flesh.
Actually, I mostly live a real, if leisurely, life out in the ‘real’ world. Whether rocking on the screen-porch, having deep conversations with friends old and new, watching grandkids grow up way too quickly, traveling, playing with our band, occasional dabbles in politics and philanthropy, or just binge watching with my feller – it’s a great gig for a septuagenarian.
If you’re looking for my musical contributions to the world, you’ll find plenty of those over on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@cecebox4706/videos
If you’d like more of my philosophizing, you can find plenty on my once-in-a-blue-moon blog: https://cecebox.wordpress.com/
Click over and come see me.
Below lies the Archives.
Everything below is time capsule stuff. I keep them because I’m still fond of my old self.
Hooray!! New All-Girl Band Hits Fayetteville!
Don’t know how you’ve been spending your summer, but I’ve had a blast, getting a new band up and running.
She’s Us is the serendipitous coming together with three amazing women: Judy Dunleavy, Shawn Frick, and Tausha Barbaree. It all started last winter, when Judy and I realized we had that can’t-fake-it harmony magic going. Add in Shawn, who’s been rocking around town for a while, and Tausha with her battered upright bass, and suddenly we’ve really got a thing going on!
Whether it’s oldies – from the 60’s back to the 30’s! – or originals from this talented group of singer-songwriters, you’re bound to hear familiar songs you love, and new ones you’ll love instantly. We’re moms & grandmas and we know all about life – how to laugh and cry and rock out.
And you’ve got a couple of chances to come see and hear us before the summer’s over: This weekend – Saturday, August 15, 2015 – we’re at our favorite venue, Bear’s Place, from 6-9. We’re back at Bear’s again on Saturday, September 5.
Don’t miss She’s Us! I guarantee you’re gonna have a great time and hear some fabulous music!
Left to right: Tausha Barbaree, Shawn Frick, Judy Dunleavy & me.
Merry Christmas to All!
Celebrating the Season here in Fayetteville. Sat in for a few songs at Judy Dunleavy’s fabulous gig at Bear’s last week. Now looking forward to some cozy mid-winter rest after celebrations with the family.
Of course, Christmas isn’t Christmas until you’ve had a chance to watch my “new classic” Christmas video, “Santa, Won’t You Bring Me a Valentine?” The song was a winner of the Great American Song Contest, which I later turned into a video, with the help of my talented photographer friend, Lisa Shackelford. You can watch it HERE:
Come on out – Thursday, September 4!!
Thursday, September 4, 2014 – I’m back at my favorite hang-out – Bear’s Place in Fayetteville, Arkansas, for another gig. Hope you’ll join me, whether just to listen and enjoy the cold beer and great burgers, or any of my musical brethren if you want to bring your instruments & sit in – you’re all welcome!
On the Road Again…

Littleton, New Hampshire, August, 2014. A lovely town whose motto is “Be Glad!”
I certainly found something to be glad about while on the road: an arts project that put a number of brightly decorated pianos out on Main Street for anyone to play! It was a quiet summer evening, and I couldn’t resist sitting down to a few numbers. When I finished, a figure appeared out of a shop doorway half a block down, and applauded!
Not ONE but TWO!
Yessirree, don’t know how it happened, but I’ve got TWO gigs this week, Thursday, July 10 (2014) and Saturday, July 12, both at Bear’s Place in Fayetteville, Arkansas, the best little roadhouse around.
The fun will begin somewhere around 6:30, both nights. On Thursday night, I’ll be joined by Judy Dunleavy, who’ll do some awesome solos, and together she and I have the best harmony on Dream Dream Dream since the Everly Brothers. You don’t want to miss it.
Looks like Mike Richard will also be sitting in, which will class up the guitar section considerably.
As for Saturday, who knows who else might show up? At Bear’s Place there’s always unexpected magic just waiting to happen – Lance Turner, I’m talking to you! Not to mention Melinda, Kevin, John….? Fayetteville’s chock-full of great musicians.
Bear’s Place is at 504 E. 15th St., on the south side of town. Burgers, ribs, cold beer, patio, dance floor – and live music. What more could you ask for? Only thing better than seeing you there once this week would be seeing you twice!
Things I don’t need to tell you: a) I haven’t been active here for a while, and b) transitions can take a lot of time and energy.
Here’s one thing I’m happy to tell you: I’m back.
As in this coming Friday, May 2, 2014, 6 p.m. Bear’s Place, Fayetteville, Arkansas. I’ll be bringing my guitar & my new keyboard, and a mix of original and cover songs. As usual I’ll provide a range of entertainment, ballads to some rock classics to some new dance songs I’ve just recently written and can’t wait to play for you. Bear’s is a great place for burgers and beer and live music in a laid-back environment. Hope to see lots of my friends there.
A musician with a little free time is a dangerous thing…
By now, I hope you’ve given a listen to my original Christmas video below, “Santa, Won’t You Bring Me a Valentine?” Surely one salute to the season was enough. But the other day, I was listening to Christmas Carols, singing along, and taking note of the acoustics in the room I was in. That old impulse of mine kicked in, the one that says, “Hmmm, I wonder if I could do that…?”
So, half an hour later, with the help of GarageBand, I’d cloned myself into an ad hoc quintet. Perfect for a Youtube video version of a Christmas card – I only lacked video. A few minutes after that, my iPhone had captured the many snowmen I was already surrounded by. Amazing what technology can do! I hope you enjoy this spontaneous version of Silent Night, and may your holiday season be filled with your own moments of spontaneous joy.
As we head out of 2013…
If anyone’s wondered where I’ve been lately, I can tell you that 2013 took me on a dizzying journey: comedy (well, that started with putting together my Christmas video, a year ago this week), tragedy, pain, loss, immense challenges and transcending into a place of tranquility and peace I never could have predicted as 2012 ended and 2013 began.
Seems only right to complete the circle and come back to where it all began, so here it is:
And, as with last year, if you download a copy of “Santa, Won’t You Bring Me a Valentine?”, a bargain at just 99 cents, you will also be helping out the girls of Casa Hogar Santa Julia, an orphanage in San Miguel de Allende, Mexico. Disclosure: I sit on the board of Friends of Santa Julia, a U.S. non-profit which supports the orphanage.
You can download the song here: https://www.cdbaby.com/cd/cecebox2
New on my Words & Music Blog:
“What Are Men Good For?”
March 31, 2013. Just a minor, and in no way controversial, subject. Steubenville. Dead Possums. I attempt to connect some far-flung dots, as I do each week. Can I do it?
Find out HERE.
More YouTube Videos
Just up: a few highlights from my recent speech to the Grapevine (Texas) Historical Society. Funnier than it may sound…
I also invite you to listen to Darfur Lullaby, the version sung by the fabulous LZ Love, and produced by the equally fabulous Grammy-winning Michael J. Lewis.
Cece’s YouTube Channel
She Spoke
My speech to the Grapevine (Texas) Historical Society on February 28 was really fun, and a trip down memory lane. Nothing like giving a speech to 100 or so people who’ve known you all your life. Not sure how I managed to come up with a few stories they hadn’t heard before. Thanks to everyone who showed up, and reminding me what it was that made growing up in a small town so special.
Featured Video:
“Santa, Won’t You Bring Me a Valentine?”
An award-winning retro salute to Christmas songs of the past, it’s half “Santa Baby”, half “I saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus”.
If this song makes you smile, PLEASE download a copy HERE.
It’s only $.99 and every download goes to support the girls of Santa Julia, a home for displaced girls in San Miguel de Allende, Mexico.
Casa Hogar Santa Julia is home to 32 girls, ages 3 to 18. Some are orphans, some have been removed from home by social services, and some are there because their families simply could not provide for them. It’s run by five Dominican Sisters, and is entirely dependent on donations like yours.
Come on, just one little Valentine for the girls of Santa Julia?
You can read more about Santa Julia here: www.santajulia.org
A big thanks, too, to my collaborator and co-conspirator on this video, photographer and artist Lisa Shackelford. Check out her fabulous work at www.lisashackelfordartist.com
Local News Station features my music & Santa Julia!
KSAT-12, a local television station here in San Antonio, recently did a nice feature on how my music supports the girls of Santa Julia.
Other Music News:
Looking for a great Christmas gift for your friends and family with eclectic musical tastes?
Check out my CD, “Slightly Overdue”. Click Here
Listen to some of the featured tracks on this page.
Proceeds from Slightly Overdue also benefit the girls of Santa Julia. Please help us support them!